The first digit of the sedamo address code is a check digit which allows to verify the code without an API call.
The check digit is the modulo (the rest of an integer division) by 20, where A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3, E=4, F=5, G=6, H=7, J=8, K=9, L=10, M=11, P=12, Q=13, R=14, T=15, U=16, W=17, X=18, Y=19. Please note that the letters I, N, O, S, V, and Z are not used in a sedamo address code. Each digit must be multiplied by its position, starting with 0.
1st digit: *0, 2nd digit: *1 and so on:
A*0 + B*1 + C*2 + D*3 + E*4 + F*5 + G*6 + H*7
A=0, B=1 etc. So:
0*0 + 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4 + 5*5 + 6*6 + 7*7 = 140 140 : 20 = 7, rest 0 0 = A
“A” is the check digit (first letter of the code). This sedamo address code is correct!
This code is obviously wrong, a sedamo address code cannot contain the letters “N”, “Z”, “I”, and “S”.
CT-QP-DE-TP C*0 + T*1 + Q*2 + P*3 + D*4 + E*5 + T*6 + P*7 = 2*0 + 15*1 + 13*2 + 12*3 + 3*4 + 4*5 + 15*6 + 12*7 = 283 283 : 20 = 14, rest 3 3 = D D ≠ C
Check digit and calculated check sum do not match, this code is incorrect.
(A letter error occurred during the input, D and E were interchanged. The correct code would be
Here is a PHP function to check the correctness of a sedamo address code. (Please remove hyphens, dots, spaces etc. from the address code before testing!)
function is_sedamo($sedamo) { // verifies the check digit of the sedamo address code $letters = array("A"=>0, "B"=>1, "C"=>2, "D"=>3, "E"=>4, "F"=>5, "G"=>6, "H"=>7, "J"=>8, "K"=>9, "L"=>10, "M"=>11, "P"=>12, "Q"=>13, "R"=>14, "T"=>15, "U"=>16, "W"=>17, "X"=>18, "Y"=>19); // 20 characters if (strlen($sedamo) != 8) { return(false); } else { for($i=1, $sum=0; $i<8; $i++) { $sum = $sum + $i * $letters[($sedamo[($i)])]; } // for return (fmod($sum, 20) == $letters[($sedamo[0])]); } // if-else } // is_sedamo