
ChinaBridge is a cross-cultural investment guide and company directory for China and Central/Western Europe.

ChinaBridge is published as the investment guide ChinaBridgeBUSINESS and it is accessible as the on-line database ChinaBridgePRO.


ChinaBridgeBUSINESS consists of two parts:

The first part is a cross-cultural investment guide covering China and Central/Western Europe. Advantages and risks of an investment in China from the viewpoint of European enterprises as well as in Europe from the viewpoint of Chinese enterprises are described. Besides assessment, planning and legal aspects, the specific characteristics of the different cultures are discussed.

The second part is a commented directory of companies and institutions which can help by planing and realizing a foreign investment. Practical tips regarding travelling (e.g., visa) and a calendar complete this book.

ChinaBridgeBUSINESS is entirely trilingual: English, Chinese, and German.

Publication data:
Authors: Frenz, Gudrun; Si, Xiaohang
Editor: Lindenblatt, Gunnar
Title: ChinaBridgeBUSINESS
published by: DAIBOLA
ISBN: 978-0956324023


With thousands of company profiles, ChinaBridgePRO is the most comprehensive directory of companies and institutions mediating between China and Central Europe. The database lists translators and lawyers, economical promotion offices and customs authorities, business hotels and airports.

You can search for companies providing specified services via keywords and via the ISIC keys (International Standard Industrial Classification).

Search in ChinaBridgePRO

To gain full access to the database, please refer to the corresponding chapter in ChinaBridgeBUSINESS.

Companies and institutions with a link to China are invited to register via this on-line form. The listing in ChinaBridgeBUSINESS and ChinaBridgePRO is free.

Editor and contact is Dr. Gunnar Lindenblatt, e-Mail: chinabridge@daibola.biz

The database is maintained by DAIBOLA. In case of technical questions or problems, please directly contact DAIBOLA.

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