New User Account

Please enter the following information carefully. For your safety, you will NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE the information after they have been saved!

Do you already have an account? Login here!

Do you know the international address code of your home address? This code consists of eight letters and is not the same as the post code (ZIP code).
Yes, I know my sedamo address code.
No, I do not know it, or I am not sure.









What is the name of your family?

What is your calling name?

How shall we address you? (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr etc.)

Are you a woman or a man?

Language of your name
In which language your name is written? Please choose the language of your name:

sedamo™ address code of your residence address
The sedamo™ address code is an 8-letter code to describe an address. If you do not know it, please follow the link below to look it up now.
Do not try to enter your address here; this will fail!
sedamo™ address code look-up

Secret question
Choose a secret question (only one) which can only be answered by yourself. This question will be asked if you forgot your password to log-in into this system.

Answer to this secret question

Favourite colour
Please pick your favourite colour!


Mobile phone number
Please enter in international format, e.g. +44-number (without leading 0) for UK. We will use this mobile phone number to send you a password.
Example: Your mobile phone number in UK is 07700 900123. The country code for UK is +44. Please enter: +44-7700 900123
UK: +44-; Ireland: +353; Canada, USA: +1-

(fixed line) telephone number (optional)
Please enter in international format, e.g. +44-number (without leading 0) for UK. Example: Your London phone number is 7946 0123, the area code of London is 020. Please enter: +44-20-7946 0123

e-Mail address
This e-Mail is our main communication channel. If you do not use an e-Mail account yourself, the account of a person helping to enter your data can be used here.

Your date of birth
Your date of birth will be used to verify your account. Please enter YEAR-MONTH-DAY, e.g. 1962-07-29

Terms of Service
I agree to the Terms of Service and I accept the Privacy Policy.

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