China is the largest trading partner of Europe. To co-operate with China is not an option but a must. The investment guide ChinaBridgeBUSINESS helps you to understand the Chinese market, to find new partners and to seek help for a smooth start in China. The ChinaBridgePRO database is the up-to-the-minute and lists ten thousands of relevant Chinese-European companies, associations and authorities.
Product internationalisation, short: i18n, or internationalisation, is the key for your products to enter foreign markets. i18n means: to prepare your product for the international market, both technically and culturally.
Your web-site has been translated—but can your Internet presence be seen by your target group? We test your ways of communication regarding the compatibility with local habits as well as technical standards. Our report will describe your company as it is seen by the most important people of the world: Your customers!
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