sedamo address input

Embedding the sedamo address input on your webpage is just adding one line:

  $theURL = 'https://sedamo.info/sam.php?a=w&u=testuser&p=12345678&l=en&e=' . rawurlencode("user@example.com") . '&d=' . rawurlencode("http://www.example.com/address_done.html") . '&s=' . rawurlencode("http://www.example.com/mystyle.css");
  // a = action = w
  // u = user = testuser
  // p = password = 12345678
  // l = language = en
  // e = eMail = rawurlencode("user@example.com");
  // d = destination = rawurlencode("http://www.example.com/address_done.html");
  // s = stylefile = rawurlencode("http://www.example.com/mystyle.css");	
  <title>sedamo embedding example</title>
  <p>Contents above the embedded frame</p>
  <iframe src="<?php echo $theURL; ?>" name="sedamoframe" width="100%" height="100%" marginheight="3" marginwidth="3" frameborder="0">
      Your browser does not support embedded frames.
      <a href="<?php echo $theURL; ?>" target="_blank">Please click here to open the address input field in a new window.</a>
  <p>Contents below the embedded frame</p>

Now let's read what the sedamo server POSTed to you:

  function array_item($ar, $key) 
	if(array_key_exists($key, $ar))
  $nameline1 	= array_item($_POST, 'nameline1');
  $nameline2	= array_item($_POST, 'nameline2');
  $sedamo	= array_item($_POST, 'sedamo');
  $sex		= array_item($_POST, 'sex');
  $birthday	= array_item($_POST, 'birthday');
  $phone	= array_item($_POST, 'phone');
  $email	= array_item($_POST, 'email');
  <p>Your address has been added to the list of club members! The data you entered:</p>
    <li>name: <?php echo $nameline1; ?></li>
    <li>company: <?php echo $nameline2; ?></li>
    <li>sedamo: <?php echo $sedamo; ?></li>
    <li>sex: <?php echo $sex; ?></li>
    <li>birthday <?php echo $birthday; ?></li>
    <li>phone: <?php echo $phone; ?></li>
    <li>e-Mail: <?php echo $email; ?></li>
  • The language parameter l can be any 2-letter ISO language code, e.g. l=zh for Chinese. If the language is not supported, a fall-back to English will occur.
  • If the language parameter l is not set, it will be detected automatically from the browser settings (not by geo coordinates / IP address).
  • You can start with any username/password without registration for testing purposes.