Search and share places with sedamoFinding a place using a sedamo codeNotesSearch and share an address with sedamoAddressing a mail item using a sedamo code

Search and share places with sedamo

A sedamo code works just like an address. If you don't know the address, you can search or share a place using a sedamo code — for example, your home or business.

A sedamo code consists of exactly 8 letters.

Example of a sedamo code: AB-CD-EF-GH

On mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Find the sedamo code of a location:

  1. On your smartphone or tablet, open the website http://www.sedamo.info/ in your browser
  2. Select “Get your sedamo code
  3. Check (and correct if necessary) the address displayed.
  4. Select “Next” and find the correct address.
  5. In the last step the sedamo code is displayed.

On a PC

Find the sedamo code of a location:

  1. On your computer, call up the website http://www.sedamo.info/ in your browser.
  2. Select “Get your sedamo code
  3. Enter the destination address.
  4. Select “Next” and find the correct address.
  5. In the last step the sedamo code is displayed.

Find a location using a sedamo code

On mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.)

Use the sedamo code like an address to find a location.

For street addresses the coordinates are usually stored, which can be used with a navigation system.

  1. Call up the website http://sedamo.info on your smartphone or tablet in your browser.
  2. Enter the sedamo code.
  3. Select “Get the address
  4. Tap on the displayed geo-coordinates .
  5. The navigation system starts and displays the destination.
Ask for the way

If you are on foot, want to buy a ticket, etc. it may be more useful to call up the address and show it.

  1. On your smartphone or tablet, go to the website http://sedamo.info in your browser.
  2. Enter the sedamo code
  3. Select “Get the address
  4. Select “Print envelope
  5. The address is displayed and can be shown on the screen.


  • sedamo codes are available for all countries.
  • Even purely postal addresses (e.g. P.O. boxes, bulk recipients) have sedamo codes.
  • Addresses are always given in the national language without the user of a sedamo code having to know this language.
  • sedamo thus ensures the fastest possible delivery in the destination country of an international postal item!
  • sedamo can be used to find a location if the user does not speak the local language.
  • sedamo also supports geo-coordinates, e.g. for navigation.