How to add Geo Coordinates to Your Address
When your visitor looks-up your address using the sedamo address code or your e-mail address1), the first dialogue will show your address in Latin characters (Romanisation) and the geo-coordinates2) of your address. “Tapping” on these geo-coordinates on a smartphone will start the navigation software and guide your visitors to your place.
However, if these geo-coordinates are missing, or incorrect, you can do as follows:
You need a smartphone with GPS functionality and Internet connection.
Make sure you have your 8-letter sedamo address code at hand.
Go in front of your door and open the map/navigation software on your smartphone:
Make sure that the correct position is shown. This may take a while, depending on the signal strength of the GPS satellites.
Enter your sedamo address code and the Turing number and hit the button “Set Geo Location”
After a short while, your new geo-coordinates will be shown with your address.
If you have any questions about sedamo or something is not working, please contact us.